Zajímavá nabídka pro mladé anglisty

Dalkey Archive a University of Houston-Victoria vypisují nabídku pro perspektivní překladatele, kteří by se chtěli podílet na překladech děl národní literatury do angličtiny. Týká se i mladých českých anglistů:

Dalkey Archive Press / University of Houston-Victoria

SUMMER 2016 (June 13-September 9)

Application Deadline: March 1

The University of Houston-Victoria and Dalkey Archive Press invite applications from
emerging translators for the Certificate in Applied Literary Translation that leads to the
publication of students’ first book-length translation.

Emerging Translators will ...
• Work closely with a Dalkey Archive editor to review your translations in weekly
Skype sessions
• Earn an industry-recognized Certificate and 12 credit hours that can be put towards
an MFA in Translation, Publishing, or Creative Writing
• Write readers reports and prepare sample translations
• Discover writers that haven’t yet been translated into English
• Be given the opportunity to participate in an optional two-week visit to campus to
meet with guest translators, authors, and critics.
• Write book reviews of translations
• Learn the principles of marketing literary translations
• Study book distribution systems and their effectiveness
• Analyze the practices of the media in relation to translation
• Study the relationship between commercial publishing and small presses in relation
to translation
• Learn the basics of the business of publishing literary translations
The Certificate Program in Applied Literary Translation . . .
• Offers both intense training and the publication of a book
• Encourages applications of non-native English speakers with advanced Englishlanguage
• Strongly recommends early applications

For more information about the program, including how to apply and a list of FAQs,
Any further questions may be directed to:

Dopis adresovaný ÚALK FF UK:

Dear Colleagues,

I'm writing to a select number of academics in non-English universities to ask for your help.

   There is a strong resistance to having translators from non-English countries translate their country’s literary works into English based upon the view that only a native of English can properly render a work into English.

   My repeated experience in working with non-English translators is that they produce translations either equal or far superior to that done by English-speaking translators because they bring a natural, firsthand sensibility to the work of literary prose from their country that English-speakers can rarely achieve. Further, whatever shortcoming they may have, are successfully worked out with a good editor who can supply the right sound and sense.

    If given the choice, I would rather want a non-native to work with, despite how unpopular this view is.

    I would ask that you circulate the attachment to your students or recent graduates who are dedicated to literary translation, especially that of fiction. Dalkey Archive and the University of Houston-Victoria are now inviting applications for the Summer sessions of their Certificate in Applied Literary Translation. This three-month program results in Dalkey Archive publishing participants’ translations, and this first translation will lead them to much more work with DalkeyArchive or other publishers. And by training translators from your country, Dalkey will be able to take on publishing more of your country's fiction. 

    I hope that this sounds meaningful enough that you will circulate this notice on your departmental listserve and to individuals. 

    Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions.


John O’Brien, Publisher

Dalkey Archive Press